• ঢাকা, মঙ্গলবার, ১১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫

National Youth Hockey begins tomorrow

After a three-year recess, the Al Arafah Islami Bank 27th National Youth Hockey begins from tomorrow (Thursday)through Dhaka venue with two matches will be held on the opening day.

Bangladesh Hockey Federation’s (BHF) president and Chief of Air Staff Shaikh Abdul Hannan BBP, BUP, NSWC FAWC, PSC is expected to inaugurate the meet as the chief guest. Al Arafa Islami Bank Limited’s chairman, board of directors, Alhaj Selim Rahman and managing director and chief executive officer Forman R Chowdhury will present in the opening ceremony as the special guests.

On the first day of the meet, Dhaka district face Shariatpur district in the opening match at 1.45 pm while Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Prothistan meet Narayanganj district in the day’s second match of the opening day’s fixture at 3.30 pm.

Both the matches will be held at Moulana Bhasani National Hockey Stadium in the city.

The competition will be held with the participation of fifty seven teams including fifty two district teams, four educational boards and BKSP at nine venues across the country.

The nine venues are Dhaka, Mymensingh, Narail, Faridpur, Khulna Cumilla, Chattogram, Dinajpur and Joypurhat.


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